This journey of 14 days has been a meaningful and heartening one. I, or rather, we, benefited a great deal from this trip. This fruitful experience is something that cannot be bought with money. I used to do community service for the sake of doing it, but now, I know I am doing it whole-heartedly. I learnt so much from the children in Bo Ai; they are always so peservering in whatever they do, be it learning how to walk or doing simple things like reading a book; they are easily satisfied as long as they have fun. Now, I tell myself to look at the challenges not as obstacles to prevent me from moving forward, but stepping stones to bring me to a new height each time. I cannot emphasise more on how fortunate we are. I still remember how I always grumble about not being able to get things done according to what I want. Reflecting upon this, I felt shameful of myself. At home I have a caring and supportive family; in school, I have wonderful friends. What can I possibly ask for more? This is so commonplace amongst man.
Friday, May 4, 2007
please don't be bored by this...
Thursday, May 3, 2007
A life's lesson well learnt
The second day, we finally met the children. They are so adorable but pitiful. Many of them are with their walking aid and ‘helmet’. Two kids even rolled towards me. My heart sunk when I saw them. I think that was the first time I felt that Serve China Trip is not as easy as I thought. It is not because the trip was tiring and tough. But, knowing the fact that we have to see the children there go through so much pain hurts me.
After the first interaction with the children I feel that they are a bunch of smart kids. Throughout the few days I spent with the children, I feel that they are very strong, even stronger than us and I think everyone agree with me. Their determination and perseverance to walk and stand up by themselves whenever they fall makes me respect them. Their therapies are definitely very tough. To see those very young children who are below 5 go through the tough therapy, hurts me. Tears roll down from their eyes when they are in pain. Awww… Even a stranger like me felt so heartbroken. Imagine their parents? I got to talk to a mother of a pair of twins who are both with cerebral palsy. She brings her sons to Boai School every morning for therapy session. Both of her sons are only 2 years old and they have to go through those tough therapies. She told me that she is fortunate because Boai School sponsors their fees or else she would not know how is she going to fork out money to pay for the therapy. I can imagine how she feels seeing her children cry when they are in pain. I really learn to appreciate my parents after this trip.
There are many children in Boai School who only get to go home during weekends. I am really fortunate to stay with my parents. I got to know this boy name Jun Jie. He’s 5 this year. A very adorable and smart boy. He is so perfect to me other than the fact that he could not walk. Like most of the other children, he gets to go home only during weekends. After spending time with him for a few days, I felt that our bond was really strong. I like to hug and kiss him and so does he. I actually hoped that his parents will not bring him home. I am SO SELFISH!! Knowing I am going to leave Boai School, Jun Jie actually cried for two days. I was so touched. He even asked me if I could stay longer. Especially the day I had to leave. I went to his room.and he was taking his afternoon nap. I told him I am going off and he said don’t want and cried. I burst into tears when he cried. I could not bear to leave him. Leaving Suzhou to Shanghai, all of us were so reluctant to. We had became so attached to the children there. I miss my Jun Jie and Xiao Cai.
The trip to the orphanage was also a great one. Seeing those innocent children smile when they are playing happily makes everything worth it. I start to realize that they are many people around us who are very unfortunate.
At Shanghai, we visited Hua Mu old folks home. I think throughout the whole trip, this is the only time we perspired because of the rebuilding of the garden. I felt very satisfied because the garden was done up so nicely. I was quite surprised that we didn’t took a long time to finish the task. This is why teamwork is so important. Good job guys! I also had the chance to take the Magnev train. The $600 we spent was really worth it.
I really get to know many wonderful people from this trip. The 21 of us certainly became much more bonded. Mrs Koh and Mr Lim also took very good care of us. They were strict but all of us know that they were concerned about our safety. I hope that in the future we will have more opportunity to work together again. Lastly, we visited a few places in Suzhou and Shanghai. Every place we visited, I learnt something new. I really learnt a lot from the children and from this trip. It makes me appreciate the people around me and make me realize how fortunate I am compared to others.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My Love Affair in China
I believe everyone in the Serve China team has fallen in LOVE with the kids at Boai, even those at the orphanage. I myself, could not bear to leave them when the time was up. I poured my heart out like I never cried for a little one before.. I guessed their smiles, enthusiasm, determination and personalities have carved a place in our hearts. We were once strangers, yet our love and care grew like a flower blooming in the spring. Once we headed off to Shanghai, all I could think was.. how are the kids doing? will they miss us or will they just erase that wonderful memories we shared with them so they can move on easily? To this day, I am still thinking about them as I browse through the pictures. Are they well? Have they improved on their therapies? I miss them so.. I miss their laughters, that unforgettable smiles, the love and hugs they have given us.. How I wish I can go back time, teleporting all of us back to Suzhou... to experience it all over again.
I have only one word to describe the life I experienced in China. SIMPLICITY. It is such a far cry from what I have been living in Spore, the superficial part of me. I learn how simple the lifestyle is in China. They don't need all the branded gadgets, clothes, accessories to be happy... all they need is the neccesities.. It taught me that whatever wealth we have, money really can buy pure happiness. Yes, we need the money to survive in this world but money does not make this world goes round. Come to think of, we didnt pour money to the less fortunate ones in China, did we? We put in the effort to share our time, the company during therapies,eating time and even lessons, playing with them, entertaining them with our singings (LOL) and dance.. Over at Hua Mu home, we pull our sleeves up and did all the gardening and painting the benches from little experience. I think we should give ourselves a pat on the shoulder for all that.
Through this trip, I also learn more about myself. It is such a soul cleansing for me. I began to reflect on my actions and words, my life and what I can do to improve myself and for others too. I learn how to share, care for others even for my Serve China mates. I am blessed I did not fall sick during the entire trip. At times, I feel sorry for those who were sick and in such discomfort .And some had to even miss some activities. All I could do was to ask abt their condition out of concern or offer any medications I brought that could help.
Another great thing that results from this trip is the friendship with my Serve China team. We had bonded so much throughout the trip. Laughing, sharing our trademark phrases, making lame jokes and always looking out for each other. For the few days back in Spore, I feel so alone and weird not being able to eat or talk in a big group. No more Mrs Koh or Mr Lim looking after us..telling us like "people.. pls wear your jackets" or "eat more please, eat more veggies and fruits". I am back to my comfort zone, my home... It's such irony that the feeling of awkardness occurred to me. I admit I miss you guys man... haha.. i miss China too.. even though I have food limitations and language barrier, I survived and enjoyed every moment of it.
Well, I just like to thank Mrs Koh, Mr Lim, Prof Liang and her staff, and others who made this trip so memorable and full of joy. Remember people, Mrs Koh and Mr Lim chose the 21 of us for a good reason. We need to continue the spirit in us in doing more good deeds and share our blessings with others.
I really did not expect to learn so much in this trip but I did.. so much so that I feel like an entire new me.. I am no longer e shallow person I was before... My perspectives have widen... all the experience and learnings are somethings that I could never learn straight out of a book. I am truly blessed for that...
"All good things always have to come to an end"... well, our trip has came to an end but let's make our friendship and enthusiasm for community service a continuing one..
Recollecting Recollections ll
9th April 2007.
Unpacking my luggage and sorting out my shopping buys, I looked out of my open window and saw...
Happy families passing by. Smiling faces of friends. Joyful visage of children running toward that nearby shopping mall.
And there I was, enclosed within the four walls of my room. For once, the Silence irks. Unpacking my experiences, I tried to adjust to the new environment…or so it seems; “new”. I couldn't digest the fact yet that this was the place of my originality. It was just so hard to believe what I have gone through. 2 days since I arrived in Singapore and 14 days of experience was still fresh in my mind.
Fresher than that vegetable my Mom just bought yesterday, I tell you.
The ambivalent feeling of sudden isolation and the past happiness that still zips across me makes me feel like exploding these four walls and pour all emotions unto those passer-bys and even unto the whole world.
I just want to tell them what they don't realise. I just wan to tell them everything, what is truly happening out there…from the beauty of Suzhou to the pungency of the public toilets.
But I guess we know that no matter how hard we try to say and explain it, only we know how it truly feels. I can’t even put it to words, what everything felt like when I was there. Talk about “first hand” experiences, I guess this is what it truly meant.
For a start, after traveling for 5 hours in an 800km/h flying airplane over the distance of 3800km, I was greeted by children, no older than the age 10 that rolled their way…all the way from wherever they are to merely welcome us to BoAi School. All I could honestly do was to stare at them who were beside the soles of my shoe. Out of curiosity, I kneeled down and gently touched them on the head. Yes, they were real…
As days passed, with waking up in early mornings and walking on foot to the nearest neighbourhood centre for breakfast, braving through the morning cold, we got closer to the kids, and soon enough, we found them special.
Very special indeed.
There and then, I thought about my past. What have I been doing all these while? How come no one ever mentioned to me about BoAi? How come, this place which is a mere small dot on the country’s map, in a corner of an ordinary busy street, but yet bustling with so much love and care wasn’t known to me? How come…
If only money is unlimited.
If only money is unlimited, I would want to open up and show the whole world, what BoAi School truly is.
If only money is unlimited, I would pay for the children and their families to come along with us on our trip back to Singapore.
If only money is unlimited, I would cut that Meeting Room where we all shared our feelings and emotions and paste in somewhere near all of us in Singapore.
If only money is unlimited, I would buy a time machine where all of us could reverse time back to 19th March 2007.
If only money is unlimited, I would drag along the whole BoAi School back to Singapore.
If only money is unlimited, I would actually pull China to the empty southern part of Singapore.
If only money is unlimited...I would just want to experience again what I went through. I'm really sure all of us want to.
But maybe there's a reason why money is limited.
I realise, if I were to only experience everything again, the Appreciation, the Miss, the Care and the Love I have for the whole trip would be lesser, more subtle until it no longer means much to me.
Maybe that is why opportunity only comes once.
And Experiences are best felt once.
It's that Once that makes everything.
Because it is Once, let us all share as much as we can.
Because it is Once, let us all cherish as much as we can.
Maybe that’s why I feel so blessed getting chosen to go and have completed this whole trip.
I got to see sadness that I never knew existed.
I got to see happiness that I never knew could have existed.
I got to see the unwavering smile of a handicapped child.
I got to see tears that could have filled up River Nile.
I got to see students living with students and only students.
I got to see a blossoming tree that I learnt it couldn’t.
I got to see the wrinkles of a 75 year old youthful man.
I got to see skyscrapers inspired by a metal can.
I got to see what I never thought I would see.
I want to see it again, maybe when I’m 30.
May our memories be etched into our hearts and only dissipate when the art pieces turn into dusts.
Thank you, Everyone.
Ai love you guys. And girls.
Learning Journey
Everyone must find it hard to exit our comfort zone and to interact with the kids and seriously I admire everyone for being able to communicate with the kids.. everyone manage to did a good job there as no one try to hide away and not interact with the kids .. although the time we spend are not very long I can see that everyone do not wish to leave the kids at the last day .. the moment of sadness and silent comes and everyone just take it and leave the kids although everyone wish to stay for a while longer .. but that life and we have to move on .. we move on leaving the kids with something money cannot buy during our time there .. the joy we bring to them .. the performance .. the songs .. and what I think the most important .. the love and accompany that everyone manage to give them .. this I believe is most valuable and is something the kids may remember for life ……
Lets just hope the kids will grow up fine .. well .. healthy .. well all the best for them ….
~Ding zhi
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Serve China 2007 Reflection
Both our teacher-in-charge Mrs Koh and Mr Lim have put in great efforts in making this serve trip possible. At first, I thought they were strict and unapproachable after my initial contact with them at the selection interview session. However, during the trip all this misconceptions had been corrected. They are fun and friendly. Plus they really took great care of us just like their own kids making sure everyone was safe and healthy. Unfortunately for many of us who fell sick, the experience of falling sick in foreign soil was indeed something not very nice but it was somehow lessen by the concern from our tutors. In addition, at one of our post-trip gathering at Fish & Co, Mr Lim was so generous that he paid the tab for all of us. We were really greatful for that although we were the one "instigating" him to foot the bill albeit in a jokingly manner at first and we really felt bad as the bill was not cheap.
In conclusion, this serve trip has broadened my horizon on the Chinese culture and the joy simplicity brings to people. From the small acts that we had done for the kids at Bo Ai and how they had enjoyed themselves in our company is an unforgettable experience. Chinese people treat their guests with respect and they were friendly and sincere. In fact, I wouldn't mind accepting a posting to China later on in my career if I were to be given the chance.
To all my Serve China 2007 friends, I wish you all:
All the Best!
Take care,
Recurring thoughts.....
I am sure many of us agree that Bo Ai plays a very crucial role in these kids’ lives; without Prof. Liang and the team of dedicated teachers, the kids will not be where they are today. However, I feel that parents of these kids are still the most important, not Bo Ai school.
Though we have fun playing with the kids, but one strongest feeling that keeps surfacing to me is still the sense of helplessness. The kids are after all, still young and naive. They do not know what life has in store for them in the future. As kids, it is reasonable that they do not understand the process of growing up. However, everyone will grow up one day. I realize that Bo Ai cannot take care of them for life, and eventually, the responsibility of taking care of them will fall back to the hands of their parents. If they are able to recover during their stay in Bo Ai, it will be really great……but how many of them can fully recover? For those who cannot, how are they going to survive in the land of China? Bo Ai is not able to look after them indefinitely; as new young cerebral palsy kids are continuously coming in and Bo Ai has limited funds and resources.
During our stay in Bo Ai, I noticed that we tend to pay a lot more attention to the younger kids between 4 to 10 years old and by so, we neglected those bigger kids above 15 years old. In such a small community, this natural but cruel trait is already exemplified by us. That is why I am concerned of how the kids are going to fend for themselves in the society in 20 years down the road. There is no need to rely on the government to take care of their welfare as China population is simply too, too overwhelming. The government does not have the time and effort to look after the welfare of these disabled kids. Therefore, parents must be socially responsible by looking after their kids for now and MORE essentially, in the future.
From what I understood, some of the kids have not seen their parents for ages to the extent that they may not even recognize them anymore! For these parents, they have failed themselves in life. I understand that these parents may face some difficulties, such as hometown location, financial problems and emotional barriers of facing their disabled kids.
Yes, it can be hard to overcome these difficulties. But with souls like Prof. Liang around, problems can be resolved step by step. Parents should understand that Prof. Liang is there to assist and provide support for them in bringing their kids up as normal person, and not take over their roles as parents to love the kids for life. This life-long responsibility of the kid should still lie in the hands of parents, not Bo Ai School.
On the whole, I feel that what touches me the most is the accompaniment of the kids. Though we had planned some programs like colouring and fruit-printing for them, I still prefer the simple interaction with the kids because it brings us closer to them. Instead of completing a task, it feels like fulfilling my heart more. We may not be as good as the previous serve team in the eyes of some, but does it matter? As long as we are able to convince ourselves that we brought some laughter into the lives of the kids, it is mission accomplished……
Yet another long story...
Initially, when we started to get to know the children in BOAI, there were fears within me, fear of how I am going to help the children and whether I am to help them or not. There were many of them, most of them with cerebral palsy. Some others are suffering from autism and behavioral problems. They looked so normal and so adorable, but yet, heaven is cruel to them, to play such a joke on them. I remembered the first two days, where I felt quite lost, wondering where to start with. Should I just observe the kids and do nothing, or should I get myself involved with their physiotherapy? But I didn’t know anything and I was afraid I would be disrupting their progress, so I looked on quietly. Frankly speaking, the first two days were quite an ordeal to me because I felt very bored, just staring at them. But fortunately, I started chatting with the kids and making them comfortable with my presence.
By the third day, I was actually quite used to their slow movements. I seemed to somehow have treated them normally, just like us. Day passed on very quickly and I didn’t realize we are coming to an end of our 11th day stay at BOAI. I was so reluctant to leave because I’ve grown so attached to the kids and the place. But we cannot be there forever; we have our own lives too. Compared to the kids, yes, I am more fortunate because I can lead a normal life, but what I don’t have is their determination, patience and independence. They are so young, yet they are very strong-willed. They did not cry no matter how painful their physiotherapies are. I felt so ashamed, when I complained about the little pain I suffered. How can I compare my pains to theirs?
The visit to the orphanage in Suzhou was short but memorable. The children age ranges from 1-15 or so. Some of them are perfectly normal, some suffered from muscle problems (cerebral palsy) and some are with Down syndrome. I was with this very quiet and cute boy, who apparently can’t stand or walk. He sits there all the time, silent all the while. We spent only about one hour there, because the kids got to leave and have their dinner. From what I’ve heard, the orphanage is actually not opened to public visits unless they are there for adoption. Thanks to Principal Liang, we managed to visit the place.
In Shanghai, we went to the Hua Mu old folks home to do some gardening. We were to help plant some flowers and tidy up their garden. Before that we had some sing-a-long sessions and pass the ball game with the old folks. Immediately after lunch we went straight to gardening! Everyone had their job. Some were planting and some were painting the benches. I was painting the benches and I realized it’s not very difficult.
The next two days was a day where we really immerse into the culture of Shanghai. We went to the wholesale centres at Qi Pu Lu to shop around for clothes, shoes and bags. There are too many things to see and it’s very tiring. After shopping for a while, you’ll feel like going back.
The last day we went to this Sun Yat Sen museum. It was interesting because I’ve heard of his great name but never truly understand the story behind him. I feel so ignorant about China’s history. Mrs Koh’s words always reflect in my mind, China is a country with thousand over years of history and we, Singapore has only about 42 years of history, how can we compare to them? True enough. We should really read up more on China’s history.
All in all, I’ve really learnt a lot from this serve trip. Everyday is spent wisely, unlike in Singapore, where my days are sometimes gone without doing anything. I’ve become more conscious of the people around me, my family and friends, learning to appreciate them and love them. There are too many lessons learnt from this trip and they are forever etched in my heart. If I was given a chance to go for another serve trip or to visit Suzhou again, I’ll definitely go for it.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
China Bits
ok.. she bites when she's angry.. but i think i did that when i was a kid too.
She's autistic... i bet nobody believes it. Cos she's too damn noisy larrr... i hope she recovers soon and .... stop biting..She's a super control freak... she likes everything to be in order.. and make all the kids queue! By grabbing their hands and screaming! Sometimes, she gets a bit stressed up over these kind of things... i hope she... chills.
She's damn cute right...
These has broadened my scope and has allowed me to carry on in life with new meaning, new endeavours... The serve china team is a great one and really became an integral part of me although I was constantly being laughed at.... lol....
Monday, April 23, 2007
Reflections.. china experience
Throughout this period of 14 days in china. The bond i have with my serve china peeps have indeed grown stronger. They were like family to me. I believe you would feel the same way too. Everyone was caring and looking out for each other when they were sick and even crossing the road. I would like to express my gratitute to everyone who has showered their concern over me when i was sick during the first few days of serve china trip. Thanks guys, love you lots.. =)
As for the accounts thing.. Tianhao, i know how you feel and i cant help but agonize with you cos i was with you. I too was feeling frustrated everytime we couldnt balance. And that feeling sucks a lot esp if you have 3 years of accounting background and that you have managed to balance ur balance sheet during accounts exam. haha. But, anw, i'm glad we managed to solve the accounts eventually without resorting to creative accounting. haha.
P.S. Ai, i'm still wearing those pink socks. heh. ;)
Alright. Take care all you lovely people. God bless =)
It was a fun trip.
My 14 days in China made me reflect on certain issues such as the need to care for those around you and to cherish them.
I was telling some of my friends that I lose sight of why I wanted to be part of this Serve Trip in the midst of our preparation.
We interacted with the children at BoAi on the 2nd day of our trip. I was hesitant and I didn't want to interact with the kids because I did not expect them to be in the condition that they are in, and somehow, I just can't bridge the "imaginary barrier" that I have with them.It took me quite a while to warm up to the kids as compared to the rest in this trip. Everyone began to talk about the kids at BoAi, and I realised that "hey, why am I not as excited as the rest" or "why is it that they are able to interact with the kids so quickly?"
The break came on the 3rd and 4th day. I met this group of kids who went for their morning walk with the teachers in BoAi. I began to think about the training that they went through, began to think about their perseverance and the love that these teachers have for them. I took the first step by approaching one of the kids who, well, can't talk due to his medical condition.Slowly, I began to interact with other kids and enjoyed their company. It can be really tiring at times.And finally, we had to say goodbye...I was thinking about what was done, i.e. dance, wayang etc.
My personal thought is this. We have done our best, I do not know if they understand us, I am not sure if the teachers at BoAi felt that we have helped them in anyway, but I'm very sure that we have brought laughter and joy to the children over there, which I feel, is the best present that we could ever give.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Day 2 - 26 March 2007
Since the death of my grandma, i understand the basic rules of life. Birth is the first step towards death. Birth and deaths are processes that individuals has no control over. Some of the stuff that happened in life are predestined. But what we can do is try to make improvements in our life. I think that is what motivates me to take up this challenge in order to improve myself to become a better person. For me the most ideal way is to help others to bring joy to them.
Doing the accounts for this trip is a hair-tearing experience for me. Though i'm in accountancy course it is still a major challenge to balance the everyday accounts. Everytime there seems to be something missing from the official records. It is quite demoralising to fail to balance the account it is as if you have failed a major Account paper.
Reflection Day 1 - 25 March 2007